Under direction from the provincial Attorney-General, the British Columbia Expropriation Compensation Board has been exploring ways to introduce a process for early dispute resolution into the services offered by the Board. The Board disclosed the result of its initial work on this subject on October 26, 2002 at the Fall Conference hosted by the British Columbia Expropriation Association.
The British Columbia Attorney General initiated a review of administrative justice systems more than a year ago. The Expropriation Law Centre reported on this development on August 12, 2001 under the heading "B.C. Administrative Justice Project announced". On February 13, 2002, we reported on the story again under the heading "British Columbia E.C.B. to get mediation role".
At the recent conference, the Board Chair, Robert Shorthouse, and Board member, Gwen Taylor, presented a paper entitled "New Directions for the Board In Case Managment and Early Dispute Resolution". This paper outlined the work which had been done and presented a number of recommendations, many of which will require new legislation. The recommendations have been put forward for the purpose of generating further discussion and input.
Earlier this month, the Board posted a summary version of the paper on its website at www.ecb.gov.bc.ca. The Board invited The Expropriation Law Centre to publish it as well. The paper is now available on the Articles page.
Any comments on the discussion paper should be directed to the Board by November 30, 2002: by e-mail to: sherri.andrews@ag.gov.bc.ca
by fax to: (250) 387-4321
or by mail to: Expropriation Compensation Board 514 Government Street P.O. Box 9215, Stn. Prov. Govt. Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J1 |